Happenings in Sandville

Day 4,133, 05:44 Published in Pakistan Ireland by Songtsan Gampo

Hello my fellow Comrades, I just wanted to bring to light for public consumption some of the things my Government and our dear Congress have been up to in the past month while I have been in Office.

Lowering of all Taxes: Technically this has been going on since December but as of today the last of changes are being made in Legislation. All Taxes on all Raw Materials and Finished Items will be at 1%. This may mean increased supply to our Marketplace, and/or investment by foreign investors in Market Licenses here. Minimum Income Tax means our business owners can hire people without them searching elsewhere for lower Income Tax on their net wage.

Training Wars: I was not the one to make this move. As usual the Training Wars were planned by the previous administration, I am not a huge fan of it. However, we are in Training Wars with Serbia now, they win direct battles and we win resistance wars. My Administration will not be 'shouting' Resistance War support times and locations as the Serbians want the battles to happen on their own schedules. So far the Resistance Wars have been bumpy due to Serbia's massive population and firepower. Yet they have been successful so far in releasing regions.

Alliances: We have successfully made a Mutual Protection Pact with Northern Macedonia. This will ensure our Military Units can complete Daily Orders, just in case their soldiers are located on native land.

Farewell Ahsan: Recently, former Country President, Dictator, and my choice as Minister of Foreign Affairs has decided to help Northern Macedonia in a Minister of Defense role. We wish him well and former Country President Bhutto will likely take his place.

Free Gol😛 Well relatively free yields of Gold can be found here. Expect future guides from the Minister of Education in the coming days. He has really helped out a lot with his shouts in the Country feed.

Just a reminder, concentrate that damage in the Resistance Wars vs. Serbia.

That is all for now.