Hanging Around With The Wrong Crowd

Day 347, 20:59 Published in USA USA by NeilP99

I think it's time for a change in the eUSA. At this point we have more citizens than any other eNation, we have an economy so full of jobs that people are being paid more than they have been in a long time, and the markets are full of cheap goods that are affordable for everyone. Things are good for the average citizen of the eUSA. So what do we need to change? Our attitude towards other nations. I for one think that this nation has befrended too many nations of questionable character. The most glaring example of this is Pakistan. Pakistan has taken over huge amounts of territory in what was once India and China. They have become a threat to many of their neighbors in the region, and a nation that completely disregards the borders of other nations. Now, the eUSA has a trade embargo against Pakistan, and this is a good step, a great nation like the eUSA shouldn't be trading with a nation like Pakistan. Yet, when you look through the diplomatic agreements that the eUSA has, you'll see that we also have a Mutual Protection Pact with Pakistan. I for one think that this is foolish. I recongnize that to cancel this pact we must first let it expire and I would like to see just that happen. The nation will be electing a new president in just a few days now and I think it is very important that the new president take a firm stand on this issue.

Of course this isn't just about Pakistan. I feel that the new president has to look more closely at the kinds of nation that we are dealing with. Nations that launch unprovoked and unreasonable wars of conquest should not be considered friends of the eUSA. We should not trade with them, we should not protect them, and we should do everything we can to oppose their actions. I'm not saying that we should be declaring war left and right whenever another nation goes to war, I'm simply saying that we shouldn't turn a blind eye to these kinds of actions. As of this writing we have heard very little from the candidates about their policies towards other nations. I would hope that they would make their views clear soon, as this is a very important issue. I would also like to call on all the candidates to tell the people of the eUSA exactly what they will do about rogue nations launching wars of conquest if they are elected. The people deserve to know. As the eUSA grows into a more powerful nation and becomes more of a leader in the New World many nations will look to us as an example. I think it's time we start setting a good example on this issue, and on every issue.