Hands up.

Day 274, 01:27 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Chrissetti

This is an open confession to clear up any misunderstandings in my election campaign.

Yes, several low-wellness and new members have received gifts from myself.

I intended to prove with this that I was indeed dedicated to improving the wellness of the region, that I would be active as a mayor and those unemployed and of low wellness will not be forgotten as they have appeared to be up until now.

At the time I didn't see anything dishonest or dishonourable in what I was doing as I never claimed the money to provide the gifts was supplied by the NHS in my covering letter.

I can see now that I was naive and does appear to be bribary and that I should h ave just sent the PM without the gifts.Please understand that this was over-enthusiasm on my part but if you still feel the same way please do not vote for me, but instead cast it to one of the other willing candidates