Hailey in Wonderland!

Day 1,348, 08:51 Published in Japan Iran by helia 14

After a while, I decided it’s time to leave UK again, and where is a better place than ANIME LAND? xD

So here I am, and I invite all of you to join us in this brilliant country!

We need a booster for our economy, so please work at Japanese companies. We need more powerful citizens here, so if you are above 2500 str, you need to join Japan!


You know how generous I am in general, now I wanna focus on Japan. Join us, Work for us, Fight for us, and you’ll be rewarded 15 q5 tanks and 70q5 foods daily. No other MU can match us, and you know it! xD

I invite all of you, dearest FAS members(First Anime Squad) , all anime lovers, all my friends, let’s make a new SUPERPOWAH !


Sarah Mudoh!