Hail Dear Father and the Dart-Star Inquisition

Day 1,436, 01:12 Published in Australia Canada by Lion El'Jonson

In the eWorld there is only one true ruler and one true God; our most benevolent Lord and Saviour; Dear Father. Despite this universal truth there are still many non-believers who refuse Dear Father’s love and kindness. Heretics one and all, listen here to the story of the Dart-Star Inquisition.

See here how it all began: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-dart-star-inquisition--1889842/1/20

The Dart-Star Inquisition is an eAustralian-based Dartraterian militia whose clear and unwavering duty is to cleanse the eWorld. It is our solemn (and incredibly fun) duty to kill the heretics and non-believers who do not submit to the teachings of Dear Father and who colonise and exploit the lands of his beloved children.

There are two primary means to achieving The Dear Father's Inquisitorial will:

Military: The soldiers of the Dart-Star Inquisition will participate in the defence of the lands of The Dear Father's children at threat of colonisation, and support resistance wars to liberate colonised regions
Political: The soldiers of the Dart-Star Inquisition will support anti-takeover activity in countries at threat of PTO by heretics and non-believers.


Membership is open to any citizen, of any political affiliation, of any country, who submit themselves to the will of The Dear Father. Recruitment is focused around the oppressed countries of our region, namely:

eSouth Africa

Types of Membership:

Full member - works in communes, fights and participates in ATO
Full member (self-funded) - fights and participates in ATO but does not work in commune
Political affiliate - participates in ATO, but no regular military involvement (suitable for members of other militia/army)

The Dear Father revels in the joy of his children, and practicing the fine art of lulz is considered to be a spiritual duty of all Dartraterians.

Rank System/Supplies:
The DSI utilises three ranks for the soldiery.

Inquisitor - A Q5 hit of 1500+ and daily IRC activity. Inquisitors receive 11 tanks daily. Food is self-supply
Disciple - A Q5 hit of 750-1500, daily fights and daily IRC activity. Disciples receive 7 tanks daily. Food is self-supply
Acolytes - A Q5 hit of -750, the passing of MU requirements and a thorough understanding of how the DSI operates. Recruits receive 4 tanks daily. Food is self-supply

The Dear Father has certain expectations that must be met to earn the privilege of serving Him. These are:

You must be willing and able to follow orders, including moving at a moment's notice to fight
You must be prepared to participate in anti-PTO activities, which may mean temporary citizenship changes
You must be prepared to wear the uniform of the Dart-Star Inquisition (in time you may rise to a rank whereby you will be presented with a custom avatar)
You must have eAustralian citizenship to be able to join the Dart-Star Inquisition in-game Military Unit
You must be prepared to work in a commune for supplies, or be completely self-sufficient
You must be consistently active, and prepared to regularly join IRC
You must share The Dear Father's dedication to driving the heretics from the lands of his children

Dear Father who dwells among the cosmos,

all mortals tremble at your name!

We are here to do your bidding,

and we are willing to give our lives!

We shall punish the non-believers,

and we shall slaughter all who oppose you!

Bestow upon us strength and wisdom so that

we may see your vision come true!

You are true power!

We shall bring you glory!

We serve you now for all eternity!

All Hail Dear Father!