Haferkorn Has Got Twins Baby!

Day 1,123, 05:34 Published in China China by A Rock Star in Tanzania

Today we have the best news: Haferkorn, the best soldier of eChina, ex-commander of Planet Liberation Army and China National Defense Army, has twins baby arrived today!
Congratulations on the birth of the pigeon pair!
Let's look forward to the day they are e-born. 🙂

Now everyone can donate gifts to Haferkorn. Let's spam his inbox. 😎

最伟大的EC斗士,PLA和CNDA原军长教授同志今天喜得龙凤胎,在此恭喜教授,同时也期待小教授们有一天也可以在erep诞生。 🙂

现在大家都可以donate各种礼物给教授了,让我们淹没教授的信息提示吧! 😎