Guybrush, We Hardly Knew Ye

Day 711, 08:08 Published in Norway Norway by Ailurus fulgens
A Eulogy for a PEACEful Comrade

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My dear friends, let me tell you about a man I knew called Guybrush Trapwood. He was a man--deeply flawed like any man. His flaws made him human. His flaws made him special. Somewhere between his arrival here in eNorway and his unexpected death, he managed to perform a 24-man PTO of Nytt Demokrati and appointed himself to eNorwegian congress. He accused our government of being corrupt and our allies of being poor, prompting cooperation with our enemies in PEACE. Even though I may not have seen eye-to-eye with him (on anything) and publicly accused him of conspiring to betray our entire nation, I formed a special bond with him before his untimely passing. That is why we are here today, folkens. We are here not to analyze the vulnerabilities of Guybrush Trapwood, nor to mock his controversial ideas; we are here to celebrate the boldness and initiative he exhibited in his tiny, fruitless life.

Citizen permanently suspended for creating or administrating multiple citizen accounts.

In memory of my dear friend Guybrush, I decided to send him off with a bang, and cherish his short-lived, futile existence with the majesty of song in memoriam.

Guybrush I Hardly Knew Ye

Where are your eyes that were so mild, hurroo, hurroo
Where are your eyes that were so mild, hurroo, hurroo
Where are your eyes that were so mild,
When my heart you so beguiled
Why did ye run from me and child
Oh Guybrush, I hardly knew ye

Where are your legs that used to run, hurroo, hurroo
Where are your legs that used to run, hurroo, hurroo
Where are your legs that used to run,
You went too far with 24 accounts, son
Indeed your dancing days are done
Oh Guybrush, I hardly knew ye

Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg, hurroo, hurroo
Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg, hurroo, hurroo
Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg,
Ye're an armless, boneless, chickenless egg
Ye'll have to put with a bowl out to beg
Oh Guybrush, I hardly knew ye

We're rolling out the guns again, hurroo, hurroo
We're rolling out the guns again, hurroo, hurroo
We're rolling out the guns again,
But you never will see eNorway again
No you never will see eNorway again
Guybrush, I'm swearing to ye

Rest in PEACE.