Gustavius stands for the Malaysian Congress!

Day 460, 14:41 Published in Malaysia Sweden by Gustavius

In three days it will be a new time for election, or for Malaysia the first time ever and me, Gustavius, stands as candidate for CfM, the Coalition for Malaysia, in Sarawak.
As an almost 1 year old player and a old ex-congressman I do know that a nation needs to reach it's goals and I know about the activity needed to do so.
Therefor I stand in the elections on Wednesday just so I can contribute with my knowledge, my experience and my long time as a player of eRepublik to you guys, the people of Malaysia.

So here is my current goals for Malaysia -

Create the National Guard of Malaysia -
The National Guard of Malaysia is the armed forces of our nation, or military with it's Minister of Defense, it's officers and it's marches on the streets of Kuala-lumpur.
Why create a national defense? well easy, every nation needs a national defense and we must focus on defending our nation as fast as possible.
This may be hard without a president but I'm sure that the future President will put the MPP's and Military high on his agenda.

Develop and Secure the food market with National companies from Malaysia.
We need an independent Food market, not because the foreign cooperations could hurt us to bad, no it's because we can't get to independent on somebody.
Thats why I'm already are working on my plan for "Start-up subsidies for Malaysian companies" which is about giving money to new cooperations so they can't get some push and help in the beginning, I now after all how hard it can be to start a new cooperation on a new market.

Start working on the Foreign Relations
As I said we need to get our MPP's and our foreign relations up and running, this will probably not the first thing we will take of as the president is vital then it comes to this, but still is this something we need to overlook and take care of as soon as possible.
Also we must start preparing.

Split the Citizen fee up in 2 parts
This may need some better explaining but easy said.
Then you join a nation, when you will get in this case 50 MYR. (Something we must lower)
Instead of getting 50 MYR then you join you will instead get 10 MYR but if you join our National Forums you will get another 20 MYR.

This is to increase the membership at our forums and so we can keep the nation more active.

And well, let's keep it to that or I should keep talking throw the night.
CfM member Gustavius - CfM's President- and Congresscandidate in Sarawak.