Guns for Subs!!

Day 916, 15:46 Published in USA USA by Angelini

Hello, hello, hello! Yes I do most certainly realize that there is already an article like this one out in the media right now. Mr. Lantrip beat me to the punch yesterday. But I will not let that deter me! And let's be honest, who doesn't like free stuff?

So, beginning now, I am offering a free Q1 gun for every new !! I receive. Simply post the Sub count in the comments section and I will donate the gun to you.

And if you feel so inclined, I would <3 you all for a vote as well 🙂

Edit: After you post in the comments and get your free gun from me, head on over to the eus forum and get your free guns for LionKing!!

Edit #2: It's just after rollover and I'm heading off for the night. So far I've gotten everyine through Fun Zone complete. I'll pick back up first thing in the morning, so keep on subscribing/commenting and you'll get your guns in a couple hours 🙂