Day 1,207, 12:44 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

O F F I C I A L--- e M A L A Y S I A N --- G O V E R N M E N T

Greetings and welcome to the contest introduction page.
I will lay out the essential guide for this competition.

First and foremost, this competition is open for eMalaysian only. That mean the contestant must be a bearer of eMalaysian citizenship throughout the competition until the result is announced.

What if a foreign player or an ex-eMalaysian using his influence to use the media of somebody legally Malaysian?
‘Ali Baba’ and sub-contractors are common in Malaysia… it’s beyond my power. Hahaha…

Can an Org newspaper enter?
I’m sorry we cannot allow that because it sometimes can be unclear of the owner’s background.

Where to enlist?
No need. Just straight away publish the article. The judges will retrace the identity of the writer.

Can you spam many articles?
Yes you may as long they are not just repetitions; and approved as positive by the judges.
Lulz may also be made to spice up the event, but are not taken account in the markings.

The prime purpose of this publishing activity is to focus on creating walk-through for this game.
The topics should relate to:
• Newbie guide
• Character builds
• Business management
• Money and Gold Exchange
• Military and training matters
• Political involvement
• Publishing and Media
• Game system and eRep tools titbits
• Etcetera … (rely on approval by judges for the relevancy)

Please discuss several alternative approaches, techniques, tactics, tricks and useful tips to succeed the objective.
To understand the overall idea, please peek at [example]Character Building

The judgment will be distributed to five factors:
20% from the language (reader friendly)
20% from the idea
20% from the presentation
20% from the comments and critics
20% from the number of VOTE

Language: Strictly English medium; but the grammar protocols won’t be taken account. It’s no use if you refer to Nuclear Physician Thesaurus standard language if people fail to understand it. Even a silent Charlie Chaplin caption is acceptable if it gives clear messages.

Idea: Originality is very much appreciated; but you are permitted to do research from previous guide done by others in the past. If ones is found to just be pure copycat, 10% penalty will be deducted from the mark.

Presentation: Lay-out, fonts, montage, graphics should be pleasing the eyes to do the reading even if it is a 1000000 word article. There’s no minimum or maximum limit of the article length.

Comments and critics: We would like to see how people react and pay their interest to the article; not just ‘pertamaxxx’ or ‘voted’. It will also be taken account to all replies made by the writer towards the comments.

Vote count: You can call in all your friends, your family, your dead grandpas to do the voting. We don’t care. All we care is; you pull in how many readers. Even the readers can vote on every article they like.

Oh, have I told you about the judges?
I keep them anonymous. They could be lurking around there spitting you swear words.

Judges decisions are final. No fuzzing will be entertained.
All the work published shall be rightfully belonged to National Library of eMalaysia and subjected to copyright control.
Subjecting to further queries I may add and alter this article accordingly.


Minister of Education