Guess Who's Back

Day 1,160, 12:03 Published in United Kingdom Germany by Skalg von Tuari
Congress Stuff

So, I heard TUP needed another candidate in SWoE. Why not give it a go again? It's not like I haven't done this before. But wait, lemme introduce myself.

So, I am this strange guy you might have heard of if you hang around for more than half a year. I joined eUK around a year ago (HAIL AJMESW MAH EDADDY) and soon got involved in the Navy and politics. Mainly in congress, since congress was and it the best platform for newbs to get involved, but later, I also took part in ministries. My favorite ministry has always been the MoFA btw.

Well, eventually, I got bored and returned to eGermany, where I was born, ran for CP there, joined the commies and got involved there more than ever before. One could argue that I learned all the basics in eUK, but only got really involved in politics over there. By now, I have been General Secretary of the German Communist Party, active mainly in the MoFA, Vice MoFA for this term and in congress for 6 months in eGermany and 3 terms in eUK. So, now that Konrad Neumann resigned, I finally was rid of all duties and could finally go back to eUK, after more than one year of eRepublik. Wanna know more? Read my wiki.

Ohshit they be evul

Here, I rejoined TUP. Let me put it like that - I joined TUP because of their policies, I stayed there because od their community. Communities are the most important aspects of parties, never let yourself get confused with the „mah parteh wants this“ - basically, they all want the same, its often individuals disagreein, not the parties. When parties disagree, its often personal and/or roleplay. Because we all know, UKRP and TUP cant cooperate even if they agree.

As you might have guessed by now, I dont think party politics (as in, parties doing politics) are good. I do respect most parties, and I do disagree with individuals in most parties as I agree with them - so meh, don't bother me with that stuff.

I am a supporter of a strong congress; I will oppose anything that is supposed to weaken it, but that doesn't mean I will blindly support anything strengthening it. The community is and has always been struggling for a balance of those; only smaller changes will work, and I am always open to those ideas.

So, why vote me? I don't promise you anything, I don't have any revolutionary ideas about anything. But I will be active in congress, I know some shit, and I won't decide based on party politics, but based on individuals and argument (which, you could argue, often tend to be party politics since there are many ppl of similar opinions gathered in parties, still, not of the same opinions).

Well, what else to say? I ask you to vote for me on the 25th in SWoE!


Skalg von Tuari