
Day 685, 01:12 Published in Australia Australia by Spazicus

Raising taxes in this country will limit growth. Yes it will make up for the money that was stolen and we will get a descent 'float' again, but ultimately it hurts the country. The eAustralian government is literally taking the money from the citizen’s pockets to spend on weapons for elite fighting groups, for more hospitals when we already have enough and for export licenses we will not need when people choose not to come to this country because of its high taxes.

A better way to make money is to lower taxes, give incentives for people to move to Australia and work here! Export the things we have too many of, import the things we cannot mine/create here ourselves. We need to encourage growth. When you only look after the established players through the Drop Bear/ACUK programs you ultimately spend more for less return. Sure our tanks are strong but each weapon they use for training only gets them a very small gain. Put that same weapon in the hands of somebody new and not only is Australias total damage increased by a larger factor but we just might have one more person willing to stay around and make this ecountry a better place. Open Australia to the rest of the world and allow free market to sweep us along with it. All of the greatest economies in the world are subject to the free market, they import and export and their prices go up and down accordingly. By insulating ourselves we only hurt ourselves.

eAustralia is stuck in the middle of a metamorphosis. We created a cocoon to protect our innards from outside influences as we grew. Now we have grown, our cocoon is full. Do we emerge from our cocoon now as a butterfly, ready to experience all that the world has to offer or do we stay in our shell? Do we remain hidden inside as the world moves on around us?