Growing Immigration & Its Implecations

Day 1,625, 22:35 Published in USA USA by William Marchasse

The Melting Pot-

The influx of immigration has contributed to the growing of many countries. It provides valuable insight into other societies that are ingrained within our eWorld. There are many benefits as well as negative traits that present themselves after a country takes a measure to accept a wide spectrum of foreigners. The eUSA has one of the most colorful collections of countrymen/women that we have ever seen. This was not always so. In older days the eUSA held a majority of English speaking citizens with pockets of likeminded/national citizens. The country also had very strict immigration measures and a higher rate for citizen fees.

Today, our dear country has a much larger and noticeable population of different people. This on the good note promotes unity and a more globalized situation. It provides glimpses into the culture and doctrine of our rivals as well as allies. It also continues to make our rank and population grow at an astonishing rate. On the bad note, it can be numerous. The implications of letting outside nationals into the country as citizens can bring a woe about the nature of our politics, media and military. Let us analyze the effects and sub effects of both the good and bad.

Promoting immigration can provide more growth to the workforce. This in turn generates a vast amount of taxable revenue that boosts and propels our nation. Without the influx of new nationals, we take a dangerous risk of diminishing our GDP and just about every area connected to it. This will decrease the overall treasury and allow the mistake we made 2 years ago by having a lesser force and means to fend off our enemies, much less attack and mobilize. This caused us to be invaded by Indonesia, Brazil and its allies. So coming to conclusion promoting immigration provides a stable secure economy. Also a benefit is the situation when political outsiders gain refuge in our country. They can provide highly valuable insider information to our government on the status and mechanics of their former lands. This provides an upper hand as well as professionalism growth.

On a negative analysis it can get very complicated. Allowing more people from other countries fosters the danger of enemy agents. PTO’s are brought by this mean. When enough sleeper agents are allowed into a certain country, these covert groups can infiltrate governments or parties and hijack them. When these groups do so they can heavily influence the direction and policy of nations and cause great damage to the sovereignty of a nation. These groups can also create media companies that cater to a certain agenda, provide collective disinformation or speak an entirely different language therefor inhibiting the natural language of a country and freedom of the press. The greatest woe and omen of decline is the loss of civilian coordination and the slow but sure disenfranchise of a nation. This happens mainly by a loss of organized effort and interest due to immigration and lack of governmental cooperation as well as a weaken media and citizen welcoming system. These tools are priceless in making a solid and strong nation. A great example would be the skeleton of the eUSA’s DoD orders page. The lack of involvement within the structure is due to an overall loss of nationalism. This promotes rouge groups and individuals that aimlessly amass status without any sense of national direction. In the case of immigration, it is simply the strong lack of interest and nationalism. A good deal of immigrants would much preferably involve themselves in narcissism within a countries stable or wealthy economy. There are many great exceptions in this case but still far and few.

The conclusion could be that a stricter citizen system should be implemented as well as stronger citizenship tests. Community involvement should be promoted with strong incentives that compel our current citizens to follow the flow of the countries goals and mission. The media should be utilized as an extremely valuable tool to introduce these measures. New citizens from foreign countries should be shadowed and investigated when the slightest sign of trouble arises and finally a stronger nationalism and involvement should be instilled by our leaders and fellow citizens.