Day 1,439, 05:43 Published in USA USA by weasel2

Chapter 2 Communing
Part 2

The low damage soldier working in a commune job does not produce enough food. Whatever the cause of reduced funding, he is the first to feel the pinch.

Nobody told the soldier the food he was supplied with could stop, that his damage was expendable though his job at the commune is not. Nobody told him (or helped him) to build up so his income from WAM will allow him to progress economically when his job pays 1 USD and he gets no food to fight and progress militarily. It was not clear to the soldier that his commune job, not his damage, was what mattered.

Nether is the soldier’s ration reduced so that the more powerful in his unit can fight; so that someone he knows and maybe admires or envies can carry the banner into the fight.

Thus the soldier gets mad and maybe quits, maybe the army, maybe altogether. He feels, with some justice, that the bargain he made was breached. He did not understand his true contribution and no one explained it to him.

Is this on purpose? Paranoid minds want to know!