GreyHunter in South African Congress??

Day 731, 02:11 Published in South Africa South Africa by GreyHunter
GreyHunter in South African Congress??

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

I would like to announce my first ever run for the Congressional Elections this November (2009 for those of you who are a little spaced 😉 under the Gold Party Banner.

I will be running in the province of Kwa-Zulu Natal. Anyone that would like to vote for me please send me a PM and will gladly send you MT's to get you all the way to that side of the world. (ps you don’t need passports!!)


I will put a link here to the SAGP article that went out, as during writing this, alot of my views and opinions managed to infuse themselves with the words, and vice versa.


Little about GreyHunter

I have been involved with the Shock Troopers for a while now, rising from the rank of Private to becoming Commanding Officer of the 1st Company..

I have been recently (3 days ago) been appointed by Enoch Root as Minister of Social Affairs.. so if you wondering about all those friendship requests blame me 🙂 Trying to get that department going and keep people here and on IRC as often as possible..

I did some work in helping eSwiss out when they were building themselves up from the ashes, running some lotteries, working with their president, setting up an anti-PTO team to help them with congressional elections etc..

Anyway that’s me. If you got this far i really appreciate it.. Any comments and views please feel free to write below or send me a PM..

Thank you

New minister of Social Affairs
1st Company Shock Troopers CO
and weird South Arican 🙂
