Greyhunter Enters Presidential Race

Day 832, 02:49 Published in South Africa South Africa by GreyHunter
Good Morning South Africa

I would like to officially put my name in the race for the Presidency of South Africa, under the Gold Party banner. I feel the time has come to try and give back a little to what this great country has given me.

In the last couple of weeks as Minister of Defence, I have learnt a lot about the game mechanics, building friendships with our allies, and in general enjoying the game more and more. Some other achievements include:

- Commanding officer of 1st PB
- 2 Times congressman
- 1.5 Terms as Minister of Social Affairs (someone had resigned)
- 1.5 Terms as eSA Minister of Defence (someone had resigned)

Enough about that already, moving onto my Presidential Platform:

Goals I will be setting are:

1) 10% Population Growth
2) 10% GDP Growth
3) Region Return: Gauteng and Western Cape

Looking at the above goals, please note that these are the minimum goals I will strive to achieve. With the return of Western Cape, and Gauteng, the first 2 figures will be easily attained, hence why I believe that all the goal are tied in with my Military actions.


I believe that eRep is made more enjoyable for all, by being a part of something. eSAAF is one of the reasons I logged in daily, to check out orders, to co-ordinate strikes and operations, and to make SAAF a force to be reckoned with.

I have seen the transformation that has been achieved under Zamrg in the few short weeks he has been with us. As Minster of Defence I have worked with him, Ministers of Defence from other countries, and some Presidents, to co-ordinate operations and strikes. This has been the best time for me in eRep, working together with our allies on a common goal. I am proud of our soldiers and proud of the SAAF in what they have achieved. We are now on the world’s radar, as an organized unit, that can pack a punch. Our Greek allies have witnessed this, along with other SOL nations.

I would like to keep up this great reputation we are getting on the world stage, and increased funding will not hurt our lads and ladies in the fields.

This of course ties in with the regions I am striving to return, namely Gauteng(we got it back can i get a big Hell Yeah!!) and Western Cape. For too long have we been a united people, with a broken home. The time has come for us to join towards a common goal, and that is to have our country whole again!


The growth in the GDP is a moderate one. We saw good growth with the return of Northern Cape, and I believe that even Western Cape, would increase our capacity to provide a stable and growing economic environment. I believe in a capitalist environment, where competition amongst companies, will ultimately benefit all eSouth African citiznes.

Foreign Policy

As all of you know, this country has become PRO EDEN, and I wish to maintain and grow the friendship that we have with our friends and allies abroad. This is a crucial factor, as it ensures that we have friends who are always willing to help us, even on a moments call. I also wish us to maintain and grow the already existing bonds we have with SOL. They provide us with our daily Training Wars, and together we can help each other grow, to become a world player, on the world stage.


The cabinet is chosen by the president. These people chosen, will all have responsibility of moving this country forward, and doing everything in their power to make eSouth Africa great. There will be some changes under my term. I plan on making sure that younger, willing, dedicated players, get an equal opportunity to work under a more experienced player. This will ensure that we build leaders for the future, while at the same time, retaining players in our country. I believe that these positions are vital, and as such, should transcend party boundaries, as I feel we should put the right people, in the right positions.

On the 5th of this month, you eSouth Africa, will have a chance to help me, to help this great country of ours. Due to our circumstances, we have been in the shadows for too long. The time to rise up and be heard is now, and lets make the world know, eSouth Africa is here, and we are here to be heard.

I would like to wish all the other nominees all the best, and especially my friend, Remon777, good luck champ. I know we all have eSouth Africa’s best interests at heart, and we will all strive to do our best.

eSouth African Presidential Candidate