Greetings from the eUkraine Ambassador

Day 1,327, 09:27 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Hello, as you can see from the title of the article, I'm - Ambassador of Ukraine in your country. At
first, I want to congratulate Chance Harrison with his election as president.
Now I will try to cover events that take place in Ukraine and answer your questions.
The war between eTurkey and eUkraine is over. We successfully liberated our regions in RWs.
But eSerbia declared our country as a Natural Enemy. They were stronger than us. Now they try
to keep our regions. We have successfully liberated Galicia and Lodomeria with help of EDEN.
Ireland and Ukraine are very similar. Both countries are fighting versus stronger enemy.
Reasons of our wars were also related with IRL. We remember your help, just call when you
need help from us. I believe that we will develop our friendships relations.
Stay with brotherhood.

Ukrainian of the article 😉
Have a nice day!
Ambassador of Ukraine to Ireland,
P.S. If you have some questions about Ukraine, you can leave them in comments (or our MoFA
will not pay me a salary 😁