Greetings Canadian friends

Day 3,436, 09:34 Published in Canada Serbia by Dio Head Hunter

Greetings dear Canadians,

my name is Dio Head Hunter, and I'm an ambassador sent from the country of Serbia (more like they kicked me out).
I'm supposed to be in the charge of relations between these two countries.
Call me inexperienced, but I have SWAG.
I could easily quote Barney from HIMYM and have some fun, but I'll get murdered by not only you, but my people of Serbia! I don't war.

This is definetely not going in the direction I want it to, I hope I don't get murdered.

All jokes aside, let us all be friends.
I will be publishing articles about Serbia in Canada, and about Canada in Serbia. I hope that wasn't confusing, since my brain just got roasted from that sentence.

Let us get along, I hope you are cool people. I heard that you were cool, and that's why I chose Canada.
I insisted to go to Canada, when all odds were against me.

I was breathing heavily, one person was holding me and they held a gun at my head.
Oh what wretched feelings are those of mine!
Then they punched me and they said, and I quote "You shall not pass!".
I got up, talked about friendship. Wiped my blood, and I grabbed my sword, and shouted "FOR CANADAAAAAAAAA!!!".

I immediately got stabbed by someone, but that didn't stop me. I removed the darn sword from the depths of my stomach, and chopped that person's head off.

Then they started using guns. I was almost dead when someone came "Don't mess with the dark side of the force". It was my ally, Darth Vader.
Then he used his jedi powers, and shortly afterwards justice won.

Canada won, democracy won.

This wouldn't be possible without my sister (not really) Nyx Lynx! She is the MoFA of Serbia. I hereby will use this article to thank you for trusting me! I hope I won't disappoint you, or the people of Canada!

Forgive my eccentric behaviour, unfortunately that's who I am.
I'm actually a nice guy, who fights for freedom, democracy, equal rights for all genders, and if there's anything I hate in this world, it's WAR.
Let's be all friends (unfortunately that's not how it works).

If I can't achieve world peace, then hopefully I can help as many countries as I can, and help as many people as I can. That includes you, Canadians.

Much love from Dio Head Hunter, until the next article.

All hail Canada.