Greens in RAWR

Day 390, 20:06 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

Even though I do not like beating down on the French when the Spanish have the most "Super Soldiers" of any country. If the French and Italians refused to free Switzerland and Spain would not act then I would join in banging the drums of RAWR. But I still support all soldiers willing to fight the "French Frogs" on their turf. Especially my fellow Greens who take up arms in Operation French Toast this is a salute to you.

Fellow Greens who have been called apon for duty do not hesitate to answer that call. When you return from war as a veteran and a patriot you will have the entire Green Party helping you get back on your feet again. As we have said before fight for this party and it will fight for you. The Green Party respects our troops and holds their lifes to a higher standerd than any conqered region. We support a strong defensive army to defend our nation and defend our allies(including Resistance Wars).

If you need wellness or moving tickets or a job at one of our affiliated Green Companies just ask!
Are you a soldier and in need of an "active"party? Join The Green Movement Today! The Green Party is always looking for more loyal Greens to join the ranks.

-Jamarcus/Secretary of Green Party