
Day 626, 08:50 Published in USA Belgium by Kylero

I have created an Organization for the Green Party to use for various purposes, mainly to help fund congressional, pp, and presidential campaigns through gold donations named GreenPAC, it can be found here:

I ask for any Green Party members who are able to or are willing to donate gold, which I have seen some members do recently, to donate it to GreenPAC and not the party itself. This gold will go towards buying items such as food and weapons, paying for party advertisements, along with the other purposes I said earlier.

This is just another thing I bring to the USGP, and I am committed to seeing this party thrive!

If you haven't already, please visit the new party forums at:

And don't forget to vote in the upcoming Party Presidential elections...for me!


USGP Press Director
USGP PP Candidate