Green Stance on The French War

Day 394, 17:23 Published in USA USA by Jamarcus

Green Party Stance: Opposed

We in the Green Party are opposed to the War in France. It took awhile because we are a Populist party that does not allow the leaders to dictate policy.

Now that it's apparent that we oppose it I can freely write my opinions. Before you pro-war guys jump on us let me make this clear...The Green Party is a Party of Patriots. We love this country as much as the next guy, but happen to oppose this war. Because we are Patriots we oppose this war. It is hurting us on the economic stand point. As I said before "It's the Economy Stupid" no offence to anyone. Especialy President Benn Dover and Vice President Justinius who I hold the utmost respect for.

In many ways this French War is alot like a certain RL War in Iraq. We were rushed in without time to think and debate about it. We had our eyes on conqest not liberation. We supposedly went in for the liberation of Switzeland, but ended up becoming the occupiers. Just as in Iraq unless you have the support of the native people there will never be peace. They shall continue to resist until it breaks us.

Then what will we become? The French? "Thanks but no thanks to that bridge to nowhere."
I'm proud being exactly what I am... A proud American. It's time to stop bashing each others heads in and start using them. Lets us the great virtue of Diplomacy to keep America the Greatest,Strongest, and Fre'est Nation in the World.

Thank You and Goodnight....

-Jamarcus/Green Party Secretary