Greed level: Over 800 and counting

Day 1,541, 12:22 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Here I am today writing this article while waiting for some movies to download(Yeah I know it's illegal).
Now I was wondering for what should I write today. Maybe was thinking of writing about politics but I think that we should rest our heads from politics. Today I decided to write about greed and some other things.

Page 1: How greedy can people be?
Page 2: Hey do you know that the 14th of February is coming? & Extras

Hey before you start reading my article, or after you read it, it's your decision, check out my friend's newspaper:
Meet the Press by portcolumbus


How greedy can people be?

Very greedy, today I was broswing through the news and in international news I found an article, I think it was from some Serb(it doesn't matter) and the article had over 900 votes. So I decided to check it out. In the first part of the article there was a text in which said that he will give 1.79g to every person that votes and shoutes his article. He said that he had over 1300g(With a screen shot from it) which he stole from different governments, mainly countries that were PTOed by the serbs. There were a couple of other pics but then at the end of the article there was a text, a long one. It sai😛

"Note from the editor"
I decided to read it and read it. It said that this article is a prove about peoples stupidity and greed. I got intrigued and kept reading, he explained that if some newb posts an article from this type it gets into top 5(international) in less then 2 hours, and if some good journalist writes a quality article, he can only pray that the article will get into top5(from his/hers country). There is no end to the peoples greed and stupidty even if this is only a game and the money is virtual. When they see something like "1.79g for every vote and shout" their eyes will immidately shine and people see nothing else but money. Very few people appreciate the true values of life. We shouldn't despise the people that don't wear "Nike" or "Gucci" or whatever. We should despise the ones that are slaves to the material things. Over 800 people, voted and shouted the article and asked for their money. Around 100 people read the editor's note and saw what that article is really about. He sai😛 "I have 3g in my account and I have never stole a thing in my eLife(xD)". He said that he only asked for votes and shouts because he had enough subscribers which he gain by real writing. Nobody is going to give 1300g just because somebody wasted 20 seconds from their "precious" time. I thought that that man showed the true side of people and decided to comit a part from my article to him.

And a classic example of people's greed is Pizza with his "1g for sub" article which I believe that you've heard enough about that and in order to save your time I decided not to put that in my article.

Last, lately you may have noticed that I'm not that active on eRepublik, well I have a few reasons. I have discovered another great thing, it's called Real Life(It's a great thing you should try it too). Yeah and I decided to enjoy it. Plus this game becomes more and more boring and annoying. So I'm 2clicking and from time to time I write some article to escape the monotony.

Hey do you know that the 14th of February is coming?



Yeah I know that there are grammar/spelling mistakes, I apologize for that but I'm too damn lazy too look for them and repair them.

B.M. Entertainment endorses:
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16 Shells
|Voice of America|Meet the Press|Kooguy's Fire|Falling Down|High Times|FAMOUS|

Now go and get drunk...or laid...or both...
