Great Job Pyscho as CP

Day 1,860, 07:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by asecondchance

In the short time I have been here there has been a lot of drama and eIreland has spun in a lot of chaos with constant internal bickering and finger pointing to the root causes of our problems.

The last 2 CP's had a difficult road given all of the animosity and they paved a road using well thought out taxing systems to start gaining money back into our accounts, trying to reengage our community and to ignore the bickering where at all possible but with that said, we were not out of the woods when Psycho took office.

Psycho has done a TREMENDOUS JOB getting the community active and his cabinet has strengthen us in many ways (better MU activity, better bootcamp organization, more educational articles, leaving EDEN!, more community games, etc) and more than I can write on.

As people we tend to focus on the negative and point out what is going wrong, this article is simply a Thank You to Psycho who really has done an awesome job and I hope will continue in this role for a while so we can see the improvements continue to grow and blossom.

Great Job Psycho you are a true leader for our eCountry!