Great incentives from Halifax... New players or senior players. (Repost)

Day 285, 07:58 Published in Canada Canada by emilio sanchez
Hello all citizens of eCanada.

(This is a repost of a previous article which was lost, from all of the other articles that were posted about the war etc. Sorry for any inconvenience.)

As mentioned in the title of this article, I am prepared to offer some new incentives for people of Halifax and those wishing to move here, so that this great city can still compete with the other cities vying to become the new "player heaven".

So in addition to what I have said in my previous article (a link is located at the bottom of this article) Here are some new ones and improvements on existing incentives.


- All taxes are still set at 0%

- As before wellness will be given to any citizen who has demonstrated good work presence. But don't forget to PM me letting me know. (It does not matter what company you work for, or where it is from).

- Any citizen wanting to relocate to Halifax will receive a refund of 50% for moving tickets they must purchase. But you must stay in Halifax for at least 4 days to receive it. Business owners will be able to move here for a 100% discount. (In other words FREE!) Just PM me on the day you move and in 4 days you will be reimbursed.

- Also, anyone who gets a new player to join ERepublik and they live in Halifax will receive 15 CAD. Just PM me their name and yours.

- Any new citizen who lives in Halifax that does not get a job in at least 3-4 days. will qualify for a 2 CAD a day donation to help with food purchases. It is not much, but at least it will help. Just PM me if you have not received a job in 3-4 days. When you get a job, you will no longer qualify for this assistance.

- Any citizen of Halifax that is able and wishes to create a company, will get at least 25 CAD or more per week, just as a thank you. This should help in paying employees etc. But only for a few weeks.

Don't forget to PM me, when you decide to take action on one of these incentives, so that you don't miss out on your reimbursements etc. Otherwise I will not know what you've done.

More incentives may be announced in the coming days. But there is no guarantees. I hope these incentives look good to any citizen, and they consider them.

As everyone knows money does not last forever and these incentives can get costly, so if one day I have to put a hold on them, I will announce it. I would also like to ask people to check out C.H.A.O.S. Party, and give donations or join, to help them out. (Link below)


Newspaper Contest

Canadian News Corp. Will be starting a new contest for anyone that has good, bad, or just something funny that has happened to them in ERepublik. Whether you would like to talk about where you've travelled or interesting citizens you've meat etc. The winner shall receive 4 CAD/ Wellness. Which ever you'd prefer. Just PM me a story you have.

The winner will be announced every week on Friday along with their story. Starting whenever I receive the first story.


As always anyone who wishes to donate will be very much appreciated.

Mayor of Halifax - [a url=]Emilio Sanchez[/a]
Halifax - [a url=]Donate to Halifax[/a]
Previous Article - [a url=]What can Halifax do for you[/a]
C.H.A.O.S. Party - [a url=]C.H.A.O.S. Party[/a]
Nationwide Recruitment Drive - [a url=]Sign up for the army[/a]

Thank you for reading and have a great day. Don't forget to join the army. Help defend your great country, and keep it the land of the free.

2008, Canadian News Corp. All rights reserved.