Great Ideas and Mediocre Minds

Day 445, 18:27 Published in Japan Japan by Tadahito Kato

Albert Einstein, the greatest scientist of the twentieth century, once said, "Great ideas often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds." It will be arrogant for me to say that my plan of the Liberal Party is the perfect idea for eJapan, but for some reason, it is somehow receiving violent attacks from a fellow politician.

Hitoshi Makoto, the current leader of the United Bushi of Nihon (UBN), claims that changing the name of the party will not only paralyze the party, drive the party apart, it will also cause an unnecessary confusion. Apparently, my opponent in the party's presidential race has not been paying attention to my ideas.

Is it really true that we need the word "United" in our name to be united? To my knowledge, four of the five largest political parties in the eWorld do not contain the word "United" in their names. In fact, the people of the United States of America are not united because of the name of the country. They are united under a common cause: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

On another note, Hitoshi was the one who changed the name of The Bushido Party without consent of the party members. After becoming leader, he, who pledged to revive Bushido, instead changed the name to attempt giving the party a new start. In a way, the party did improve: member activity increased and congressional membership raised.

However, if the name change was to give the party a new start, it is hard to understand why it is still strongly associated with "Bushido." To this day, Bushido is still sometimes synonymous with the UBN. And without a clear direction, the party has gone down in size and public popularity. So why exactly would a person criticize me for something the person has done himself?

Liberal Party of Japan
I believe I have cleared up enough confusion above and now I wish to move on to the new party that hopefully everyone is looking forward to seeing. Today, I have officially become a candidate in the party elections.

I have also designed and created the logo of the new party. It is shown above and it contains a Shinkansen train. Not only does it represent progressivism, it is a symbol unique to Japan. Some people were afraid that the name will not be "Japanese" enough, so I hope this logo can be a solution.

As I have said before, voting for me will not result in a name change, it will cause the establishment of a brand new party. There will not be any "redoing" to do in the Wiki pages simply because the Liberal Party will be having a page to itself, and Bushido will be history. But remember, the end is always a new beginning.

Let the responsible take the responsibility. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day!