Grain Emporium Benefit Package

Day 1,136, 17:39 Published in USA USA by Princefigs


Thanks for taking a few moments to read up on the greatest overall benefit package in the New World. Once you have read up on these benefits, please vote and subscribe to this newspaper so you can stay afloat on any new programs that become available.

GE, easing the heavy burden of taxes


At GE we offer our employees a tax reduction program so that you can save more of your paycheck on average. The program works like this:

You get your salary adjusted down to minimum wage. Each day that you work , you are taxes only on .80 cents. At the end of the week (every Sunday) you will receive a donation from GE containing the remainder of your salary. Being that donations are tax free, you save alot of your pay.


You earn a salary of 25.80 USD a day. You ask to enter the program. I adjust your salary down to .80 cents (or whatever amount you request.) After you work, you receive .62 USD after taxes. You work for 7 days. On Sunday, you will receive a donation for the amount of 175 USD.

WITH THE PROGRAM : 25.80 salary would net you after 7 working days ; 179.34 USD

WITHOUT THE PROGRAM : 25.80 salary would net you after 7 working days ; 139.09 USD

Meaning, you net a total of 40.25 USD just for applying and working for GE.


-You must work at or above 90 wellness each day
-You must work each day
- Benefit is NOT automatic, Employee must send a request to the general manage and ask to be put on the program.

* If you are fired or quit, you will be immediately paid the salary owed.

Free wellness!


After 30 straight days of employment, you will automatically receive 5 free Q1 food items or the equivalent in other food items.


You start work on the 1st of December. On January 1st, you will receive 5 free Q1 foods in the form of a donation from the company.


-You must work at an average of 95 or higher wellness for the 30 day time period
-You must work all 30 days consecutively*
- Benefit is automatic, no need to apply for it.

* if you miss a day of working, the 30 day bonus starts over again from that day.

This could be you


At the end of each week, on Sunday, GE will average up the totals from everyone that works within the company. The person with the highest average wellness will receive a free 40 wellness in the form of food, from the company.


- Must average at least a 95 wellness during the week
- Missing a day of work will count as a 0 in your weekly average
- Benefit is automatic, no need to apply for it.


For every person that you successfully recommend this company to and they come onboard with GE or another company owned by GE, you will receive a one-time finders fee of 25 USD and 5 USD for each month after in which they remain employed with GE, for up to 5 months.


-Referred employee must remain employed at GE for 7 consecutive days.
-Referred employee must not be fired or quit during the entire royalty period
-Employee that referred must remain with the company to receive bonus'
-Benefit is automatic. No need to apply. However, employee must inform the general manager about the employee being referred BEFORE he is contacted by the potential employee.

Never go hungry at Grain Emporium


Ever really need some food but not have the ability to buy it at the time? This is a thing of the past at grain emporium! As an employee, you have the ability to request supplies from the general manager at any day in any amount*

All you have to do is send a message requesting food and how much wellness you need and GE will supply you at the lowest current market price. We have a corporate account with a food company and they allow us to get the food today and pay on Sunday.

No need to send GE any money, the amount that you request will be taken out of your salary at the end of the week along with a check stub that fully explains your salary and any deductions for food.


* Subject to limitations


- Everyone qualities for the program, but on different levels. **
- Benefit is automatic, no need to apply

** Benefit levels :
- If on the tax reduction program , you may get up to your salary plus any bonus' you are getting in delayed cost food
- If not on the tax program, you may request up to 10 USD worth of food a day. Repayment will be worked out on a one to one bases.

I help you, you help me, baby!


Presenting the best employee benefit perk of the best employee benefit package in the game. GE will pay for half of any gold bonus each day that you use it.* Allowing you to gain all of the benefits of using any productivity booster at only half the price! Plus, as an incentive to help maximize your growth, if you use the 200% booster everyday at 100% wellness in a work week, you will automatically receive an additional 15USD added to your weekend paycheck.

* Conditions apply, check eligibility requirements.


You apply for and accepted to use the Gold Bonus Benefit. The day after you apply and are accepted, you work at the mandatory 100% wellness and use any gold bonus. That same day, once it is confirmed that you worked at 100% wellness and used the bonus, the market value** of half of that Gold will be donated to your account or added to your salary you receive at the end of the week (if applied for the Tax Reduction Benefit.)

**Current market values:
- .08 gold is 4 USD.
- .24 gold is 12 USD
- .49 gold is 24.50 USD

So, basically, if you use the 200% booster each day at 100% wellness, you will get an additional 24.50 USD added to your weekly paycheck for each day used in the work week, plus, another 15 USD for using it each day. There is no better deal on the market.

Think about this :

Lets say you get a salary of 20 USD per day due to the tax reduction program. Each day you use the 200% booster in a week. For each day, you are going to be getting an additional 24.50 USD added to your paycheck as well! And to top it off, if you use it everyday for a work week, you will get ANOTHER 15 USD added. So, you will get a tax free paycheck of 326.50 USD!

NOT TO MENTION you will get a huge boost to the gains you make in progressing!
Subject to change with market fluctuation.

This benefit package is my way of saying thanks for being apart of GE. All benefits go into affect stating on December 31st 2010.

Owner / General Manager of Grain Emporium