GPN Party President Elections

Day 1,783, 01:45 Published in Netherlands Denmark by Joshua Morriseau

Before we start I would like to announce the winner of our last competition,darkydarky! He is the winner of 10 Q7 Weapons and 150 Q6 food to go with it. Enjoy and congrats on being our first winner!

Now on with the show, the title says it all folks, as of today I would like to officially candidate myself for Party President. It may sound a little early but I think its time to get things rolling. It seems in the last couple elections for PP there are people who run who are not active in the community at all but I want to ensure you that I am not one of those people. I am active everyday on forums and on erep and have opened the debate you can find here on our forums ( access to GPN members only.)

My main goal as PP will of course be to ensure GPN's continued success in the Congress elections and appoint our strongest and most active contenders to Congress.

I don't want to make this article to long and bore anyone to death about what my experience in politics is but if that is something that will help you choose who you think the PP should be then you can find it on my profile.

Please feel free to pm me any questions or comments or do so on the forums or comment here your questions as I hope all Party members will get involved with the elections. I hope that GPN will find me worthy enough to represent you in the next phase of Party politics. I don't hope this to be an easy campaign as those are never fun and I expect more names to be thrown into the race so good luck to all candidates and let the race begin!

And that's the way the cookie crumbles.