Government Updates

Day 1,083, 13:23 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Government Updates:

Foreign Policy:

-Monday Israel will be part of the EDEN summit agenda. They will decide if we are ready to ascend to full membership or not. Keep your fingers crossed.
-eUSA MPP is in the works and should be announced shortly
-ePoland MPP has been Renewed
-Ambassador Program is up and running and is slowly being expanded

Cabinet Announcements:
-Regular Cabinet meetings have taken place
-New Deputy Ministers have been appointed (Flegenheimer, Skos, and Celsius)


-Tomorrow a series of advertisements will go up internationally encouraging immigration to eIsrael.

Economic Announcements:

-We are moving ahead with the tax reform policy I promised. This policy is ensured to bring the prices of good and other commodities down and decrease the cost of living due to increased competition and foreign involvement by lowering Import Taxes.

Tomorrow proposals will be made to change food taxes to 13% Income tax, 5% Import tax, 7% VAT.

Knesset members are being messaged recommending they vote yes to this proposal. Full discussion on this proposal can be found on the national forums.

After food is out of the way we will focus on the other goods.

I will keep you all posted.

Am Yisrael Chai
