Government team February 2018 CP election

Day 3,723, 15:01 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Vincent Rekdal

Today the SFP/SDP candidate Vincent Rekdal was at SFP headquarter to present the composition of his government team. The whole party greeted warmly their candidate before starting a meeting with the party president and Prime Minister Rican and 2 members of the team: Krispo (MOD) and Albix20 (MoED)

From the left Rican, Krispo and Albix20

The meeting goes on more than 3 hours, in which the CP candidate show his strategy to the team, explaining his willingness to bet also on new and active players. For this reason, he decided to give the opportunity to collaborate to them with important political man such as Blackbeard that should be confirmed in his role of MOFA.
The team was completed with Liakouris as deputy MoED, and adviser for constitutional reform.
During the meeting, it seems that vincent has also confirmed that he wants to start a possible financial reform, for which however the strictest secrecy is still in force.