Government's proposals - SCP

Day 619, 11:39 Published in Slovakia Brazil by Danie! Moreno

Firstly, I want to thank the SCP and the Communists by relying on my ability to unite the Slovaks under the same flag. Not the flag of communism. Not the flag of socialism. But under the flag of equality, freedom and fraternity.

No, I'm not talking about the French Revolution. From my personal viewpoint design, a revolution is nothing more than "the replacement of one elite by another elite". I'm talk about Evolution. I want, I look and I need a change. We can? Yes we can.

I am extremely satisfied with citizens who seek me daily, by private message. People who wonder what the next step of the communists. Ask me how to make the country's crisis. How to reduce our current weakness and also create and build an army. I mean that these issues are temporary. Important, but temporary. I believe with every confidence that a man may have, to work it out with time. But I want more, much more than that.

I want to unite all citizens towards a common goal. A sacred objective, which is evelopment of Slovakia. Nothing can be more than that, not even Communism. I want to mark the date of these elections: they can be the first milestone of something historic for the people of Slovakia. A people that does not cease to exploit, a multicultural nation, a "Babel" of the XXI century. Slovakia is known worldwide for its friendly people, and I say that this is true in eRepublik. Slovak citizens received us very well, and is a real joy to have the Slovakian flag on my profile.

What the community can bring good for Slovakia. A lot. We have citizens who have access to good food, the gifts and good weapons. Citizens who will no longer be operated by people who suck all their workforce and get most of the profit. The full force of production will revert to the benefits of Slovakia, and also distributed by population, with communist or not.

If you know little about the communist ideas, forget everything you read about Stalin, Mao, Castro and other authoritarian leaders. As I said, we tracks a democratic way, through the awareness of people that communism is the best way. A real "left-liberal."

In communism, one hundred men have the strength of a thousand - what that means? This means that if we optimize our workforce, so aware, where the control of production is in the hands of the proletariat, we can raise immeasurable amounts of gold, rather than in a capitalist regime (where the surplus is in the hands of few), and distributed in an equal manner. Personally, I want to invest in the structure of the country, with more hospitals, Defense Systems, and create a program for houses for all citizens.

Enough of philosophy. Come down to business: our plan of government.

Economy and high quality: as you have already read the "General Theory of State" that I wrote, especially the economic part, seeks to invest heavily in high-tech companies (Q4 and Q5), supplying our market with excellent products, with companies in the country, owned by the Slovak people. Every citizen, be it novice or veteran, you will have access to products for their livelihood, have access to weapons and gifts whenever necessary. The entire surplus of production is exported to other countries. All controlled by the Government of Slovakia, property of citizens. The objective of this measure is to invest directly after collecting gold for our country, so it enriches and conditions have to invest in larger enterprises and in the army, and need not depend solely on donations from citizens.

Valuation of Currency: in contrast to theories such as the Socialists of Portugal before the V1, I not have the slightest interest in devaluing our currency. Rather, I value our currency, so the more we have in SKK's box, the more capacity we have to buy gold. Remember that there will be no export problems about that, since within a communist system, we can produce with the lowest cost possible, and have the greatest benefits to the employee. This is called "innovate and improve”.

Importation of materials and products: the import of manufactured products must end. It is not permissible for products of great value essential to the population comes from outside. Food, gifts and weapons must be exclusively produced by Slovak citizens. We have ample capacity to provide all the labor required. As for raw materials, should do exactly the opposite. We import everything. I discovered, through complex calculations, which is advantageous import raw materials, because our labor force in large numbers to specialize in manufactured products (see General Theory of the State). We can still improve: in just time, create businesses Q4 and Q5 of raw materials in other countries, and the final imported from ourselves, reducing its cost.

Hospitals and Defense Systems Q5: a priority in this question, certainly is a second hospital Q4 or Q5. We have to benefit other regions, apart from Central Slovakia. Thus, all citizens of Slovakia, regardless of region, can participate in Wargames and also help in a possible war. The hospital is perhaps the most precious of eRepublik, we can not disregard it. After buying hospitals in all regions, begin to search for Defense Systems.

Slovak Housing Bank (SH😎: A public bank, ownership of all Slovak citizens, which will aim to seek means to acquire or produce houses for people. Each person, in this country, entitled to a house that is at least Q3. Impossible? Maybe. But I will try to reach that goal until the end.

Army and Wargames: we must organize a structure for our army, and this structure must contain hierarchy and discipline. It is the only sector of the Government in order that I will impose explicitly and authoritatively (out of democracy) - all volunteers must obey the orders, direct or indirect, of my or our military commander. We will structure with soldiers, captains and colonels. Each man can take care of three others. Thus, we know exactly who is online, who is active or not and who has received orders and weapons. The Wargames will be chosen according to their availability, its ease of implementation and also its durability. The goal is to gain experience and strengthen our patents.

Foreign Relations: we will decide in a democratic way and with all citizens, in which alliance require our input. An important question that can not be limited to me or the Communists, but the whole Slovak people. Someone may say that this is direct democracy. And it is this. There is also a proposal to remain neutral, that is our reality today.

Recruitment: I have a dream. And in this dream of world Communist Slovakia will find a true democracy, a people friendly and ready to receive the real communism. I believe we will be hundreds, then thousands of Communists ready to develop the country and seek the best for the people. Every citizen of the world will be invited to participate in the communist dream. Each left-wing militant who had no space in your home country, will have space in Slovakia. A communist nation, multicultural, honorable and honest. Is it possible? Yes, it is possible.


These are general ideas and this is my plan of government. Put here soon who will occupy the main positions, which are the first steps in practice and how these actions will be implemented. I look forward questions, which have the greatest pleasure in responding. It is important to remember that you can not do everything in one management. May take months for that everything works as best as possible, and also who will succeed me to continue the programs. But know that everything is planned, and want to give advice to the government even when I may no longer president.

It is a dream. But dreams can become reality.