Government Apathy

Day 535, 11:57 Published in USA USA by Muljo Gobet

Citizens and Congressmen, I have a couple of questions for you. Do you feel like if you get elected to Congress you should put in work to make the eUSA a better place? Do you think being elected means you have several responsibilities you have to perform to do a good job? Or do you think that once you’ve won that shiny Congressional Medal, all the hard work is done?

Did you know that the current Congress could have seriously hurt the country they were elected to serve? Why is it, that every Congress, we take one step forward to improve ourselves, yet we take two steps back?

I’m referring primarily to the MPP with India. You may be asking, “Isn’t India our friend? Why wouldn’t we want to MPP with them? How in the world would that have hurt us?” Here’s how. Currently we have an MPP with Romania and India. Romania and India signed a contract saying Romania is allowed to attack one of their territories to get to an Indo region. Do you know what would happen if one country we have a MPP with, attacks another country we have a MPP with? The attacking counties MPP expires. What this means is, once Romania attacked India we would have lost our MPP with Romania. Now, is losing our MPP with the most powerful Atlantis nation a good idea? That should be an obvious NO!

Did you know this? Mostly likely no. I mean, why would you? But how many of you reading this are Congressman/women who didn’t know this? Unfortunately, the answer is still most likely no. Citizens, do you expect your elected leaders to know the facts before they vote on legislation? I would hope so.

Luckily for us the situation has changed and the chances are very low that anything bad would happen now. I wish this was the only example I had for you. In congress, before you put anything up for a vote you must have at least 5 approvals. This didn’t happen with Maxpaynes50’s donate legislation. He just put it up for a vote. Now I don’t have anything against Max. Sometimes people make mistakes or just don’t know. Max was….taught how to do it properly. Maybe some of us were a bit too harsh but hey, now he knows. Yet, the problem isn’t him. What happens if someone doesn’t have 5 approvals? The congress is supposed to vote it down. Did we do that? Hmm let me check. Nope, it passed. “Dude, you’re making a big deal out of nothing.” Possibly. What happens if that donated money is all the cash we have in the treasury? Then we can’t pay the new citizen fee. Then all our new citizens don’t receive their start up cash, which I think we can all agree is essential in the beginning of the game.

There’s more! How about the MPP with Bosnia and Herzegovina? “Well, what about it?” You may have noticed we’ve been MPPing with a lot of countries lately. This is due to Scrabmans war games with Ireland. We’re MPPing with them so when Ireland attacks us, they can get in the action to earn some exp and gain rank like we‘ve been doing with our RW with Baja. When Scrabman wrote up the contract only countries who agreed to pay would be allowed to be involved. After all, who likes moochers right? Guess which country didn’t pay? You guessed it, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Yet who did we just sign an MPP with? Yeah. We just lost 30 gold (that’s what a MPP’s costs) and then B&H gets to join the very expensive war games on our dime.

Some of us have been doing our job in Congress. Obviously, not enough of us though since all these legislations passed. Attention all Congressmen/women: READ THE FORUMS! To properly do your job you MUST do this.

Yet that isn’t where 100% of the blame lies. I’ve been a Congressman for 3 months now. Want to know how many questions I’ve got for how I was voting and why? ONLY ONCE! And that was when I put up a lulz. How do you expect your Congressman to do a good job when they’re not even accountable? Attention all Citizens: GET INVOLVED! Keep up with what’s going on in the eworld. You should be in the forums too. Hold your leaders accountable. I’m not talking about the President here, trust me, he gets enough flack. I’m talking about the people who hold the most power. Your Congressmen/women. Hold their feet to the fire to make sure we’re doing our job properly.

God Bless eAmerica!