Government announcement from Buzzy

Day 568, 20:34 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Good evening Israel,

I had tried my hardest to not announce this. Not because Sadeh or I have done anything wrong, but because I did not want to cast any doubt on our interm president Gzen. Sadeh and I have been working friends for three months now. Before Israel was even liberated Sadeh messaged me about running the IDF. In the following months I created the Israeli military, recruited strong commanders such as CJ Will Win, became a three time congressmen, donated nearly every dime of gold I owned, and generally done everything I could do to help support Israel.

It is because of my track record of looking out for Israel to the best of my abilities, my record of being trusted with government funds, and my vast military and foreign experience that Sadeh again contacted me when he left office. I was given the keys to the Official Bank of Israel and Israel’s Finance Department along with a simple message, (paraphrased) “keep Israel safe”. For about three days now, this is what I have done. I have been keeping watchful eye on the monetary market, managed the government companies, and fulfilled my duties as General of the IDF. (including appointing two new squad leaders)

I at first simply wanted to stay behind the scenes, do my job, and keep quiet like I have in the past. However due to increasing public unrest over the country not having a president, not knowing who to take a lead from, and from general uncertainty of the future, it has now become mandatory that I now step out of the shadows. I am truly sorry to anyone who takes offense to my actions. I had no intentions of causing trouble or slandering anyone’s name by my actions. However Israel comes first, always will she come first.

On a semi-related side note, I would also like to announce my official candidacy for President of Israel on the July 2nd ballot. Platform and cabinet articles will follow in the days leading up to the campaign. For now, I have more important work to do.

Thank you for your time my friends,