Government and Capital

Day 813, 17:27 Published in Canada United Kingdom by Mickale

In this latest political- and economical-oriented article, I will argue against leftists, communism, totalitarianism, and socialism - using examples from both the rWorld and the eWorld.


In this form of government, we see nothing but failure. It's honestly that plain and simple. In the real world, there is no country with a dictator with supreme power that could compete with a country of republican and democratic ideals in social, economic, and scientific fields. Wee see that the numerous dictatorships in the rWorld have all caused a stunting of economic growth, public support, and scientific advancement. In South america, such dictatorships are prime examples of these effects. However, for those lovely critics of mine (trollers), you will find that virtually all "dictatorships" in erepublic, under totalitarin parties, have resulted in the termination of a country as a power to reason with - let alone acknowledge. To back this up, I present to you ePakistan. In the times of old ePakistan had a huge empire, however, the calling of the hourglass has ended that empire, as it has many other instances in both worlds. Now ePakistan is just a luittle state that's being torn between PTO's by umbrella, small private groups, and the frantic and diminished ePakistanis. It just simply does not work.


Communism, in purity, has never been achieved EVER in the history of mankind. Human greed has always overcome the power for a colelctive society, and thus to attempt such a government is done so in the utmost futility as governments must account for this flaw in human nature. The only successful instances of communism, though not pure communism, are present in China and also were present in the former country of Yugoslavia. Needless to say, Yugoslavia no longer exists because the 1 man keeping it together died and wars of succession, different cultures, and different desires tored the country appart. China is more successful because it has knit together a less diverse arrangment of people and has employed some capitalism to reinforce the regime.

It's actually ironic: communism was born out of hatred for totalitarianism, or as it was during the 1800's, monarchies. The French Revolution(s) brought about communism from their liberalist objectives. In erepublik, communism only "works" because the limitations of this game are so much that the true effect of such a government cannot be realized. I would however like to say, the eUK, which had a dominent communist party, is now in a bid of Epic Warfare. The eUSA and the Workers Party have been through the same thing. Though not the causing facter, it certainly contributed, and it is therefore not worth the trouble at all.


Socialism seems to be on the rise in modern society as the flaws of greedy capitalists breach into the hearts and minds of people around the world. In erepublik, it is nice to have some socialism (so it is argued) to help the noobs who join. Afterall, helping the newbies helps the country since more health = more productivity which ='s more money which = more gold which = more help to newbies and so on. However, I must say capitalism and right-wing philosophies (including low taxes across the board) would provide an equal amount of economic growth, if not more. However, this arguement is certainly up for debate as erepublik has its limitations as I mentioned earlier. Though i'd like to say both the NHS and eNHS both epically fail, if I do say so myself as a former eBritish politician.

So, in my personal opinion, the best and most effective form of government and form of economy would have to be a Republic and Capitalism, in the respective order. True, they have their downfalls, but they can be made up for much easier than the downfalls of socialism and communism - especially more so than totalitarianism!

I know this may seem like a long rant, but if you have any comments or hate my guts, dont hesitate to comment \o/.