Got bored, decided an article was in order.

Day 1,300, 00:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by Patrick O'leary

eIrish! I come bearing news, and I felt that you needed to know.

The UK are attacking our homeland. Old news, I know.

Ireland has been fighting against Alfa and UK for a while. We won two battles recently, defending Wexford and taking back Shannon. Our attack on Northern Ireland failed, mostly because we did not want to fight it. We wanted to show our allies that we can and will help them if we get the chance. Although Irasian and MoFA Fear Malice have urged the UK that this age old struggle between Ireland and UK is essentially a waste of damage. UK’s friend France is under attack by Hungary and Poland, and our friends Canada, Greece, Croatia, and others all could use help. The CP of eUK has declined this armistice. They are confident that the UK’s *cough* Alfagrem’s *cough cough* strength can prevail against Ireland. They forgot something very important though.

You cannot take a man’s country and expect them to bow down. We will always be prepared.

Jamesw does not seem to realize that we are a force to be reckoned with. We will fight the Brits every step of the way. We will defend our homeland, and we will be content with that. I hope the next CP won’t be as daft, and actually understand the word ‘ally’ and ‘friend’. Ireland’s got them. What does the eUK have?

Is minic a bhris beal duine a shron

Patrick O'Leary
Oh, and vote for me for PP of ILP.