Goodbye, North Korea

Day 613, 19:36 Published in North Korea Japan by Zammuel

I have known you well, my dear lady. But I fear that you have been led astray in your youthful naivety, and with the on-coming advance of the Russian horde, combined with the timing of the implementation of Citizenship, I fear I must embark on to other more prosperous journeys.

I am sorry that I did not speak more heavily for my desire to see you remain neutral in this war, but I doubt it would have done any good - indeed, the Russians are correct; the men who chose your destiny are of absolute FORTIS origins; and it is understandable that they want to fight alongside their home countries. I do not blame nor have any ill-will again them; despite this single bad decision, they otherwise led the country exceptionally well, and Drago and his cabinet has my full respect for a job well done.

I, however, can no longer do anything for you, and so I leave you now with my head hung low as I take a solemn journey to Malaysia. May the Russians have mercy upon you.

- Zammuel
Former congressman of Ryanggang,
Former North Korean Ambassador to Russia.