GoodBye article - Odjava

Day 1,256, 06:18 Published in Serbia Serbia by Baltazar8

Hteo bih da kazem samo par reci, pre nego sto odem u totalan 2click...

Ova igra vise nema smisla ni malo, totalno je upropascena... Za gubitke teritorija ne krivite ovu ili onu vlast, vec ADMINE ove igrice.. Nema potrebe da se svadjamo izmedju sebe, kada oni sami ne dopustaju da igrica ide svojim tokom, nego se uvek umesaju, jer im je samo stalo do ZARADE... Kao sto mozete da vidite pojavili su se neki ljudi koji u zadnjih 20 dana i kusur, tenkuju svakodnevno MILIONE... E pa gospodo ja se bas pitam kako se to oni uvek pojave kada, npr: niko nije mogao da nam uzme LK, nego onda se pojavi jedan od doticnih i sam ga uzme, protiv celog PHX saveza tada... Onda covek nestane na par meseci, NESTANE! I pojavi se kada ONE savez pokori sve zivo i ne zivo, da to je sasvim normalno.. Nije tu u pitanju samo taj covek, ima ih jos dosta... Kao sto vidite sada, trenutno gubimo cak i od BiH, da morate priznati mocna drzava sa jos mocnijim mppovima od nasih, naravno da ce da nas pobede... Il hmm cek, mozda je to neka jeziva taktika Terra/Eden saveza hahhaha, taktika? Ne, gospodo, njihova taktika je go k... ( izvinite na izrazavanju ali moram, previse sam iznerviran ) ! Niko me ne moze ubediti da su oni jaci od nas, jer nisu ! Ali bitno je da su tu Bo-t-enkovi koji ce da spice po 10ak miliona po rundi, znate oni imaju golda na tone da trose toliko svaku rundu, SVAKU BITKU koja je otvorena u tom trenutku..

Razgovaracu sa ONE savezom, danas pre nego sto odem iz ovog s**** da ih pozovem na bojkot, neka izgubimo teritorije, ali mislim da je jedino to resenje, jer ovo je prevrsilo svaku meru...

Sada bih voleo da zahvalim svim ljudima koji su imali poverenja u mene, ljudima koji su me naucili sve u ovoj igrici, pocevsi od Dzona_Lennona, Skid_Row i ostalih ljudova iz stare Regrutne... Pa onda rodjaku 🙂 Lazaera, Clueless, Kistru covek koji me je uz Cluelessa naucio sve sto znam, koji me je trpeo dok sam smarao sa pitanjima itd, hvala ti na tome, najbolji ste 🙂 Dusan Nastasijevic, Gid1 i naravno jedinicu FRONT-a, hvala Sapiencu i MalomPrincu i Darling sto ste me primili jos kao slabog vojnika 😃 i hvala sto sam bio clan najbolje jedinice na svetu ! Druzicemo se mi jos 🙂

Now a small part on english... Sry for my spelling cause i dont have much time for this, have to travel to Bulgaria in RL 🙂...

I wanna say to all my friends from other countrys that im leaving the game, actually im going in 2 click mode. Reasons u prolly know alrdy, but i cant take this injustice any more, the last droop in the cop was this BiH attack, where country with "more" ppl and "better" mpps win against eSerbia wich is the strongest country here in this game... But that wouldnt be possible without ADMINS, u must ask ur selfs, why ? Well, as u can see some ppl are tanking for more then 20 days, MILIONS of dmg in every single battle that is opened and in every single round... Well that simple is not possible without their help... As u might remember, Serbia lost LK cause of one guy, that came then and won the battle on his own, easily against whole Serbia and their allies, no1 could do it, not USA nor China, but he did it on his own, u must say thats rly something ... Then he dissapiers and he came back again when ONE alliance OWNED everything that moves in Europe and in America... U must admit, its rather strange... Its not just him, there more of those ppl, but i took him as example.. No1 can convince me that im wrong, i know Croat will defend them selfs, but ok, its their right to do so... But this BiH war is that last droop that fills the cop.. But hmm it might be some "IMABA strategy" from Terra/Eden alliance, haha, strategy? Whats that ? Is there any in this game? No guys, their "strategy" is s*** , tbh i cant remember when did they do something good on strategy part ( i mean Terra/Eden )! So no, its not "strategy" ! As u can see they couldnt touch us 20 days ago, we OWNED them, but then something changed, suddenly powers shift on their side , suddenly they are WAY MUCH stronger then us... But How? They are not stronger, they do not have more ppl then us, their str is not big as ours... Still, How ?
Well they tanked/tank the shit out of every battle, every round.. But they tanked even when they were loosing, but WAAAAY LESS then now, but SUDDENLY they have TONS of gold 😉...

Mah i know ill be called as cry me a river etc, but tbh i dont even care any more... I just want to see Admins do something FOR the players, at least ONCE in my eLife... Do not watch just on ur INCOME ADMINS, do something for ORDINARY players, like my self ! And ull have more then 50k active players i can BET on IT! For start LIMIT freaking Wellness Packs and ppl will be thrilled... U know what players are asking for, but U DONT WANT to do anything for us, well this way ur only helping ppl to LEAVE the game, just like u HELPED me LEAVE this game.. They are LEAVING just cause of you !

At the end i wanna say thanks for all ppl that had trust in me, in leading alliances and to the ppl that helped me in this game to learn something, ppl like Romool, Kualkeer, Iain, Jamesw, Jazar, Nico, Artkh, LcfR.. Sry if i didnt mentioned some1, im preparing to go to Bulgaria on Balkan Fun party, for 5 days so if any1 is there 😃 maybe will see eah others 🙂

Also thanks to my "enemies", tho i must tell something on our lang, Komsije, da nije vas odavno bih se smorio, niko ne igra ovu igru kao mi i drago mi je da sam imao takvog protivnika, sta bi bilo kad bi se balkan slozio kao nekad 😃 hehe 😉 ostajte mi dobro, pa se vidimo nekad na chatu mozda 🙂
FanaticZD pozz druze, nadam se da cemo se nekad druziti makar malo na chatu jos, a mozda i u RL ko zna 🙂
Now on english 😃, bye to all my "enemies" in this game, i hope we ll meet each others in Hungary at 19th-21th august 🙂!

Ill still come here to work/train/hit , also ill come back on chat sometimes, and ofc ill answer on ur igms if some1 sends, but this game doesnt deserv my time, so i wont spend time not even near like before...

I jedna poslednja zelja, koja je na zalost jos neostvarena ovde i jedina ja mislim, a to je, da vidim eSrbiju ujedinjenu kad i ako se vratim...


EDITE : Im not leaving cause Serbia will prolly lose Western Serbia battle, u may think it is cause of that, but its not, its cause of Admins, cause they never listented to us players what we want, and never wanted to make new things in game taht we ALL ASKED FOR...