
Day 943, 22:36 Published in USA USA by Dan Heylin

Well this is going to be one of the hardest articles for me to write yet......

As of June 15th the APF Militia was no more. Most of the members including myself just sat in our irc channel watching in horror as our party, our militia, and our hard work fall apart before our eyes because of this man

Jude Connors
Jude its funny how your such a hippie, oh where was ur peace when u destroyed our party?

Shortly after the successful PTO Jude came into our IRC room. Ill do a summary of what happened. Jude came in here all happy thinking he was on top of the world thinking that now because he won everyone would fall in place, become those zombies, and silence the ones that wouldn't. Every militia member in that room hatted him. He just took something that we had made, built, run and loved so what do you expect. There was back and forth talk about how APF people begged him to take over the party because we were a liability and so on. So at this point some mean names were thrown around, someone gave the idea to jude to jump off a bridge and so on. At the end right before he left jude said, and i quote, "anyway guys th emilitia will have very little changes, nothing*, i just wanted to say Hi and see what you guys were thinking."

Then jude left. Well i guess he has a different meaning of little then i do. The first thing to go was the name. Then one of this biggest things that surprised me and almost brought me to tears was the loyalty. Not one active member of the militia would go, not one. Guys i have known since that start of the militia, guys that i had helped, that i had become best friends with didnt have to think twice about not joining the new militia. I was aw struct at the sight. It seemed to me that they were more dedicated and faithful to the militia then the party.

At first the militia was just a militia, a group of people that fought together, that gave out guns and had fun on the irc. But over the months we were more then a militia, we are all just a group of friends, i wasnt even in it for the guns anymore. I just loved being a part of the militia.

The 15th Jude came to me and offered me the chance to become the USWP Workers Militia General, I will not lie for a moment i wanted to, for a moment i actually considered taking it, but that was a moment. I could not work for someone that PTO'd a party, my party, someone who destroyed the militia i helped build, someone that tarnished all my memories of that APF Militia. So now where will the rode take me, a new country? A new party? The Army? Or perhaps ST6 i dont not know.

So now as i bring this article to a close I would just like to thank everyone that made it what it is today. Especially Stormin who started us,

Marxus, who was a key role to our success, who quickly became my friend and who stayed up late with me on irc trying to come up with the best possible routs for our militia,

Ian Holm who stuck with us in our ups and downs, Ian was one of the very first to join us, and was in it till the end.

Sunnygyrl315 who was one of the best, she was one of my first privates, and became a power house in APF leadership. She will forever be my friend.

Then there is S-Mac31 he joined us later but defiantly became a key member. Its kind of ironic his joining, he wondered into our chat the night when MM2 tried to PTO us and he ends a month later when Jude Connors did PTO us.

Ohhh and how can we ever forget Jacksondr5, jackson made all of our IRC experience something different for me, he was always the one using the CAPS, always the one arguing, and always the one annoying the hell out of me, but for that he became one of my best friends and has so much potential with this game.

There is also LexLuthor1, at the start of APF Lex was the DCoS and then became the CoS, immediately Lex was focused on helping us, he started so many reforms that would of made us shine but we never could finish them because of the unforeseen circumstances. Lex will always have a place in the militias history books.

K-Ratz and Horst who are my RL friends and shall always be, us and stormin were the founding members of this great militia which we shall always love, and shall always be apart of, so i thank you for everything you guys have done.

I also want to thank anyone that donated to us, you were greatly appreciated and anyone who i forgot to mention thanks!

Ohh and i want to give a personal thank you to the almighty Jude Connors by taking away some of the best times I have ever had in this game. So thank you!

At the end of the party i was the Colonel of the militia, but then Walter Joseph Kovacs resigned so by fault making me the new General, something that i had dreamed about. But now i must do something i never even wanted to dream about,

I Dan Heylin General of the APF Workers Militia hereby publicly announce the end of the APF Workers Militia. It has been fun and i have enjoyed my time here. So now we must all say goodbye.

Thank you APF Militia for everything you have done for me I shall always be in your service,
General Dan Heylin APF Militia