Good to be back! [EN]

Day 794, 10:20 Published in Germany Germany by Bundeswehr

Good to be back!

Finally eGermany is back on the map!
As Minister of Defense and Generalinspekteur of the Bundeswehr I want to thank all our allied nations who fought for and with us.
Thanks to Brazil, Hungary, Russia, Serbia, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Indonesia, Argentina, Estonia, Iran, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey and United Netherlands.

We know that we couldn't have done it without you and without Phoenix and for that we're very grateful.

Of course I also want to thank all our donators who sent us around 1000 Gold for regaining German territories. With that help we could give everyone who applied and asked for weapons the necessary supplies for fighting for our freedom.
Here's a link to the spreadsheet which was updated from donation one to donation 1000! (Note these are only the donations which were sent to the Bundeswehr organisation, the ones sent to Bundeswirtschaftsministerium are stored otherwise.)

I want to thank especially Slayer10(Military Consultant) and NeueN(Vice-MoD), my helpers and princesses. 🙂
Both took a lot of work from me, like donating weapons and managing the standard questions like "Where to fight" etc.
Also I want to thank every German and Phoenixs' soldiers and citizens for flying to Poland and fighting there. Thanks for not only using the money and ressources we gave, but also to be so selfless of spending your own money.

Now let's start at getting our economy back to working and rebuild Germany. Of course we'll try to get our regions back, but now other allies, like Bulgaria, need to be supported too and we can't deny them our help, after all what they did for us.

Markus Scierski
Minister of Defense
Generalinspekteur of Bundeswehr
Hail eGermany! Hail Phoenix!