Good Things Come in Threes

Day 757, 14:48 Published in USA USA by Cody Franklin

Good afternoon, eRepublikans. I had an idea, and I thought I'd run it by you.

Take a look, if you would, at the American government--supposedly, there are a lot of checks and balances - a lot of little intricacies that make our government what it is. I've noticed that, as far as our eGovernment is concerned, we just happen to be missing something.

First, you'll notice the executive branch, which includes the President, and all departments and positions associated with that office. The executive branch has a plethora of functions, most of which essentially boil down to ensuring smooth sailing for the general population, whether through the enforcing of laws, or exhaustive diplomacy, or war, if circumstances require it. Our executive functions fairly well, with each respective department working furiously to keep up with outstanding assignments, and the President in the center of things, slaving away to ensure a bright future for our nation.

Next, you'll see the legislative branch hard at work. Simply put, this is Congress. Congress debates and chatters in the hope of producing laws which will bring growth and prosperity. There isn't a great deal to say about the legislative, considering that its function is fairly simple.

Now then, I'm sure you all know what's supposed to come next. All good things come in threes, as the saying goes, and I think that the New World should probably take that saying to heart. You see, we have an executive, and we have a legislative; we do not, however, have a judicial. We have people to make the laws, and we have people to enforce the laws, but we have no one to interpret the laws, and judge accordingly. I think that having a functional judiciary could actually provide several benefits:

First of all, we have to keep in mind the importance of checks and balances. Much like the real Congress, our legislative branch has engaged in some very frivolous lawmaking in the past. I, for one, don't think that "lulz" should factor into important policy-making decisions. If we brought courts to eRepublik, we would actually have a body which could, at its discretion, review laws passed by Congress, and strike them down if they were found to be... well, for lack of a better phrase, complete sh*t. Political policy needs to be efficient and streamlined, and having a functional judiciary will allow us a legitimate means by which to evaluate the efficacy and desirability of legislation.

Second of all, a functional judiciary could provide unique career opportunities for players. As with all other modules, players have been able to work their way up through different careers. Media Mogul, President, General Manager, and Field Marshal are a few good examples of titles which all players tend to long for. With an effective court system, players could be jurors (if an adversarial system were implemented, as opposed to an inquisitorial one), lawyers, judges, and perhaps even Chief Justice. Players could finally bring many of their debates out of the forums and comment boxes, and into the courtroom, and they could be getting experience and enjoyment all the while. And of course, lawyers aren't free. 🙂

Third of all, efficient courts would give players the opportunity to judge the actions of unruly players. Instead of forcing the administration to judge each and every case, bring the player up on charges. For example, in putting a multi-accounter on trial, there would be a burden of proof on the part of the accusers. They would have to have evidence suggesting that the player in question does, indeed, own and operate multiple accounts. If found guilty, the evidence, verdict, and suggested punishment could be sent to the administrators, and things could be taken care of; to make things even spicier, perhaps the courts ought to have the power to deal minor punishments (since we don't want to give players the power to ban each other, naturally).

We've got Power, and we have Law. All we need to complete the trinity is Justice.

I could present a maelstrom of positives which stem from the adoption of a judicial branch, but I think that the concept speaks for itself. It would add a degree of fairness and realism to the game, it would provide entertaining career opportunities for players, and it gives us a tangible justice system instead of relying on the vague arbitration of the administrators, to name a few things. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, send me a PM, or leave me a comment in the box. If you like the idea, shout the link to this article, vote it up, and subscribe to the Message.

Always remember why they say that justice is blind - truth takes no sides.