Good news! Flausiono won the elections in Bulgaria

Day 1,630, 01:27 Published in China China by mihail.cazacu

On May 3rd I was discussing with several Bulgarian friends about their two main presidential candidates. All my readers know I worked since 2009 to bring Bulgaria on EDEN's side and that during the Bulgarian-Turkish crisis I put a lot of energy on keeping the Bulgarians in EDEN.

So the reason why I was interested in my Bulgarian friends' opinions about the outcome of the May 5th elections should be obvious. I wanted to know if the next president would be good for the overall goal of bringing Bulgaria back in the pro-EDEN camp.

The Bulgarians were surprised to hear that I would prefer that Flausino becomes president. I was surprised they were surprised. I thought it should have been obvious why Flausino was better than Windfall if the goal was to convince the Bulgarians that quitting EDEN was against their best interests.

The myths which guided the Bulgarian decision to quit EDEN were:

1) "We can get even with the Turks for the 500 years of slavery by defeating them in a computer game. As a bonus, Vasil Levski will come back to life if we wipe out Turkey". That idiocy can of course only be cured with specialized medical treatment. Fortunately it only motivates approximately one Bulgarian player out of five. So there are 4 sane Bulgarians for each nutcase who wants to fight the Turks to death with a mouse in hand. Also fortunately most of the people who share those "values" voted for Flausino. So now Flausino needs to prove his resurection skills or they will be very disappointed;

2) "We cannot win a war against Serbia or Macedonia but we definitely can wipe out Turkey". When that didn't happen for two months in a row who was there to blame? The "incompetent leadership" of course! Flausino on the other hand can do miracles with his credit card. Now that he is in charge Turkey will be wiped out. If it isn't then those people who thought Turkey is roasted in the oven as soon as he becomes president will be extremely disappointed as well;

3) "We want to be part of an alliance where we finally have the leading role". Chile and South Korea won't challenge Bulgaria's leading role in the newly formed alliance any time soon.

Poland, on the other hand, might not be happy with Bulgaria supporting Russia. Serbia and Hungary might also have a thing or two to say about the Bulgarian priorities. But hey, Poland, Hungary and Serbia are not in the same alliance as Bulgaria, are they? And if anybody can handle subtle diplomacy needed in the current circumstances, that is the astute diplomat Flausino.

As a general rule, people tend to stick to their decisions. This is why even bad decisions are abandoned only after a lot of energy was wasted trying to make them work. It is hard to give up a bad idea as long as there is still hope a miracle would somehow happen. So the Bulgarians need to also try the Flausino "solution" before coming to the conclusion the war with Turkey is a indeed a hopeless ping-pong.