Good morning America!

Day 3,053, 06:25 Published in USA Canada by Ilene Dover

Hello America!

It's been a good week since Israel Stevens let me into your fair e-country, on the promise that I was here to write some damn articles and find some subscribers without using a script. I figure a week is about as long as I can stretch my welcome before I have to deliver something. It's the middle of CP-season and indudibatably the worst time ever for an introduction, but whatever.

Most of you are probably going "who the hell is this idiot?" The rest of you will be asking yourself "why am I reading such self indulgent waffle?"

I'm going to be brief. Promise. It's the least I can do after y'all let me in.

I migrated from eAustralia. If you've never been, it's a small community that stubbornly clings to existence through sheer guts and determination. It does has the great benefit of still being democratic, although there's only about 80 votes cast in any particular election. Go check it out for yourself if you don't believe me!

In short, I got bored of being in a small community and decided to try my luck in the big league. EZC were kind enough to take me in on around about my first day. Check them out too - you couldn't ask for a more awesome bunch of people to welcome newcomers! Still trying to work out what exactly CURRAHEE! is all about...

A little about me the real person behind the screen... I'm a genuine dinky-di Australian. Not your typical boring twat from Sydney or Melbourne though. Oh no, I come from the west coast and live in the world's most isolated city (if you don't count some of those Pacific islands). Yep, over 1300 miles to the closest city.

Yep, that's a real billboard photograph from the side of the road. Somewhere between the towns of No and Where I think.

There's a whole lotta empty space out west here. Probably because most of it's desert. Whatever. We can fit all of Texas inside Western Australia and still just about have room for all of Japan, the UK and Ireland. Together.

I travel a lot for work. That sucks, but at least I get to see a lot of the place. I have some awesome photos stashed away of beautiful scenery and a few crazy things. Might save that for another article...

Anyway, I'm rambling. This place is way cooler than my last place. People actually write articles, hold different positions on import stuff and use the MU shout box.

I'm so happy I made the switch. Thanks for taking me in America, even if you are all waging a covert war against the letter u. Please don't regret letting me in too much.