Gold Profit Sharing

Day 176, 01:53 Published in Norway Norway by Sasha Igorovich

A few have asked me, if I intend to continue the Gold Profit Sharing program for my employees at Winter Wheat, now that the company has become part of the Norwegian economy. The answer is a resounding, YES!

The shares may not be as much this month as last month, due to the transition which included a need to sell what Gold the company had to gain a few NOK to start over, but I am confident we will very soon be back on track.

The transition also hurt the company because it caused the loss of a few employees, that have not yet been replaced. This has hurt the productivity of the company. I have sent several job offers and hope soon to replace these employees, but it may be difficult with the high salaries that are being offered by some of our competitors. I will have to leave it up to the potential employees to decide if they would rather receive a large number of NOK or would prefer to have monthly Gold Profit Sharing.