Gold Party: Working towards a better future in eSouth Africa

Day 743, 00:05 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department

The month of November saw many changes that herald a new era in eSouth African politics. Firstly, our country is now big enough to support 40 congressmen and women. These were exciting times, with 8 current parties vying for those crucial votes from the public, asking them to have faith in their congress nominations.

Your faith and votes for the Gold Party have ensured that this party can take positive strides towards the future. Thanks to you, party leadership and hard word, the Gold Party was able to secure 18 out of the 40 seats mentions, giving us 45% majority.

Thank you eSouth Africa!!!

However, we realize that with great power comes even greater responsibility. This responsibility is not just to our voters, but all eSouth African citizens, to strive and make this country a better place for all. We will work together with various parties and members, in ensuring that all citizens of this great country get the best out of their government.

We have reached yet another milestone. 100 members can now tell eSA and the world, that they are proudly from the Gold Party. We, however, do not plan to sit on our laurels and think we are safe in our positions. We work constantly on raffles, education for new members, improving conditions in eSA through policies and making eSouth Africa know we are here, and we are here to make a difference.

We encourage all new players of the eSouth African community to take part, to participate, to cast a vote and make a difference. Join and be part of eSA political life, join Gold Party today!!

Join Gold Party today!

We look forward to your contributions, participation and active involvement in helping this party in reaching new heights.

Don't forget to participate in our 50-50 Fundraising drive!

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