Gold Party: Happy Holidays (and Elections!)

Day 762, 03:44 Published in South Africa South Africa by SAGP Communications Department

Well it's that time of the year again, everybody's spending time with their friends and families, hopefully getting a much needed break from work or school, going to Christmas parties, and rushing to the store to buy last minute gifts. I hope you are all having a good time.

But unfortunately here in the Gold Party we've still got a lot of work to do. Thanks to game mechanics we have our next congressional elections coming up on Christmas Day. I know that a lot of you will be busy and not have a lot of time to spend on eRepublik, but if you could make sure to take five minutes and vote it would be much appreciated!

Gold Party members have until Wednesday to declare their candidacies for congress. If you're interested in running please get on the forums as soon as possible. Simply making yourself a candidate under the GP in game is not enough, we have to approve you to make sure you're not a PTOer or medal seeker who isn't really in it for the good of the country. Later in the week we'll have a list up of all the official candidates for people to vote for, so check back here or on the forums before voting!

-Karl Bauer
South African Gold Party Media Director
SA Gold Party Forums