Going to Stay

Day 2,672, 18:06 Published in South Africa Israel by Chaim Dov

Its been more than week of thinking on my part. Think Im going to stay in this wrenched country for a couple more years! However its time for action so I`m calling on everyone who cares or actually wants to do it, begin a general boycott of the South African market and avoid paying taxes. Nigeria has a 0.4 tax but few jobs that most eSouth Africans would want to work at. I advise you to go abroad to former citizens and seek employment and goods from them.

If you oppose this boycott, think of something else and propose it. If not you really have no right to say anything. I also hope everyone who isn`t a lazocracy member participates, we can complain all we want but at the end of the day: talking after awhile gets us no where.