Godzilla in the Year 3000

Day 668, 14:57 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

Now for my second and more serious article as Godzilla Party Leader. As many in Japan know, our party at it's core sprung from the North Korean refugees. We have added lately from South Koreans but to me that is not enough. I know that our party is about more than just our past, it must be about our future as well.

So, how can we attract all comers to Godzilla? By standing up for our principles for one thing. Too often in Japan have people stood for themselves, or for their friends, at the expense of the nation and it's ideals. Godzilla Party is based on the Righteous Nation and will stand tall and proud in Japan's defense. We must remain dedicated to doing the most good for the most people.

But taking a stand is not enough. Our actions will always be for Japan but this is a game of thought as well, and we have not done enough to show those to Japan. It is no secret that Godzilla members have their own forms of communication off the eJapan forums. We need these venues to talk securely with our members but that does not mean that our ideas need to stay trapped there. Thus, I shall endeavor to bring what Godzilla talks about into the media and eJapan forums.

I am exceedingly proud however of the conduct of Godzilla Party Congressmen. In the past month they have proven to be the most active posters on the eJapan forums, both in making new threads and replies. Make no mistake, this party is full of people interacting with all of Japan daily, and if you join us, your voice shall be heard.

From the last month though, despite all the talk and proposals, only the military has been able to advance in Japan. We must work on reforming the tax code to increase revenue and trade with other nations. We must work on the bank system, which today ran out of JPY, leading to a spike in the value of the Yen. The economic challenges of Japan are real, and saying that things are fine now is an illusion to the situation we are in compared to other nations. Making these changes will be difficult and painful at times, but they must be done to bring prosperity to the Japanese people.

Thus, we shall dedicate our Party to these ideals, Prosperity, Righteousness, Inclusion. Godzilla is on the march!