God helps those who help themselves

Day 355, 14:45 Published in USA Romania by Donovanator

Since we all want America to beat every obstacle that we come to face, it is best to donate anything ,work, or take action for our troops, government......and your daily life.President Benn said in one of his articles that "America is spending enough money in Australia".So that means the US Government is doing what it can,but We,the People, can do more.

Now, I am not forcing you to do anything because when you do anything out of free will, and not out of force,and I am saying that some of you aren't helping,but not only do soldiers need to fight, but all of Americans need to fight in each of one's own way.

WE WILL WIN! We will fight our enemies off of the eEarth!We can win solely off of the Amer-I-CAN spirit!We will corner our enemies like-like.....something you corner!

We gave our resisting friends the upper hand,and we the people need to not only support eUSA, but also our resisting allies.We came close but no cigar.

Hmmmm.......cigars.......anyways I love to see Pro-American activists.

So I encourage you (those who haven't helped) to speak up! to fight! to give/be selfless!

"Duty, Honor, Country" - West Point USMA (United States Military Academy)

With love for USA,
The Donovantor