Goals and Targets in Brum

Day 273, 05:25 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Chrissetti

Just one day away from the Local Elections.

One day to decide who to vote for.

One more day to convince you it should be me.

Instead of reposting my manifesto I plan on setting concrete, tangible and realistic targets should I be elected.

- Every new resident to be employed within three days
-Every active user to be offered a job.

-90% minimum wellness in the first week of office.
-95%+ in the days that follow.
-Food allowance for those in need of it.
-Campaign for a better hospital. I know Birmingham has been dismissed as tactically irrelevent but with our relatively weak army, should the worst happen, we need a hospital capable of dealing with the walking wounded.

-Introduction PMs to all new residents within 24 hours
-Encourage activity through PMs and the forums.

Kidnapping, I mean erm... relocation!
-Bringing existing residents and companies into The Big Smoke from overcrowded cities like London.

Media Prescence
-To keep the people updated on progress at least once weekly.