Go Romania!... Go ATLANTIS!

Day 289, 03:17 Published in Romania Romania by GabrielP
Felicitari Romania!
Felicitari ATLANTIS!
Congrats ATLANTIS friends!

In asaltul asupra Budapestei am castigat... asta este ceea ce conteaza cu adevarat.
We are the winners... Budapest is ours... this is what really matters.

Dar... cum cum am pierdut bani buni... din cauza unui bug.
But... how I loose good money... because of a bug.

Am intrat in lupta cu 2 arme Q3, 2 arme Q2 si 12 arme Q1 care m-au costat 320 RON (6,40 GOLD).
I entered the battle with 2 weapons Q3, 2 weapons Q2 and 12 weapons Q1 with cost me 320 RON (that is 6,40 GOLD)

M-am luptat de doua ori.
I had 2 fights.

Cand am iesit din lupta inventarul meu de arme arata aceleasi numere, dar cu minus. Aici este un [a url=http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/7761/bugnegativeweaponinventvf3.jpg]printscreen[/a]
When I exit the battle, my weapons inventory shows the same numbers, but with minus. Here is the [a url=http://img214.imageshack.us/img214/7761/bugnegativeweaponinventvf3.jpg]printscreen[/a] :

Am raportat bug-ul la [a url=http://www.erepublik.com/contact.html]Contact[/a] > 'Report a bug'

Dupa ce am contactat adminii, inventarul meu de arme a fost sters complet... [a url=http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/9748/bugweaponsinventorydelero2.jpg]aici[/a]
After I contacted the admins, my weapon inventory has been deleted completely... [a url=http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/9748/bugweaponsinventorydelero2.jpg]here[/a]

Am scris acest articol pentru ca sa stie si altii ce trebuie facut, si ce nu trebuie facut, daca ajung in situatia mea, si pentru a arata unde s-au dus banii (donati de catre 'Garda Nationala').
I wrote this article to show others, and to know what to do, and what to not do if they are in the same situation... and to show where did the money go... the donation from the 'Garda Nationala'.

Lista mercenarilor:
[a url=http://www.erepublik.com/profile-341.html]Cicero[/a], Rank: General