Glove and USA Can Into Maine

Day 914, 17:57 Published in USA USA by Glove">">

Message me for free moving tickets and 10 gifts for your vote in Maine!

Would you like some theme music?

Citizens of the eUSA,

I would like to announce my candidacy for congressman of the great state of Maine. I will run under the American Progressive Flag's banner. I have seen great leaders come and go, corrupt individuals rise to power, and national instability at all levels. I hope that by being a congressman, I will be able to diversify Congress and improve our nation's well-being by providing a "fresh face" and an unbias and bi-partisan disposition. I believe that as a "6th-party" member, I am better able to put our nation's needs first, rather than my party's or anyone else's agenda.

Join me America, lets defeat the world.

-Born July 1st, 2010
-Honorable Discharge from the Training Corps
-Ex member of Lefty's unnamed militia
-Former Ultra-nationalist Party President
-Dedicated citizen, (never missed a day of Erepublik since birth)

Our military is one of the strongest in the world. Time and time again we have proven ourselves to be a nation composed of intelligent and strong individuals capable of steamrolling the battlefield. I support providing funding to all branches of our military, but especially the lower branches; a strong military is a strong nation.

Lets not just be strong, lets be Army Strong.

Foreign Policy
Also, I believe that our military should be used to help our allies abroad, specifically those in the Brolliance and Eden. Our military should be deployed to combat Phoenix's PTO efforts on our allies abroad. Our national interest should be the military's number one priority and what better way to protect our nation than to protect our allies, who help protect us? Never can we be idle and let one of our allies fall, especially if we intend to seek their aid when we are attacked. In addition, the United States should be willing to fluctuate; sometimes a bad ally is worse than war. When our "ally" no longer supports and even condemns us, it is time for a new ally.

We have to help our bros, bros before hoes!

I want taxes as low as possible while still being high enough to provide revenue for our military and domestic programs. I think we should raise import taxes or at least embargo nations. Why you may ask? The market is flooded by foreigners and we've tried to the whole free trade market for 6 months now and we're still not the best exporter. I think we should tinker with import taxes, if we see a giant slide in our GDP, then of course we should reverse the change. We need to experiment in this ever changing world. I want guns to be given out like candy on halloween.

If only this was all guns...

Domestic Programs
I also advocate additional funds for the many vital programs that help provide our populace with the essentials to be good citizens. These many programs include but are not limited to: Arm America, Flying Unicorn Squadron, USA Welcoming Committee, and Meals on Wheels. These programs are the backbone of our player retention and they deserve more funding.

Our Domestic Programs help prevent this.


Largo Endorsement
The Largo Endorsement is so good it doesn't need a banner.

The Only Imperialist Party endorsement given out, truly an honor.

Final Word
Message me for moving tickets to get to Maine. You will be gifted to restore any wellness points lost. A vote for me is a vote for a new era. An era of a strong and independent eUsa, an eUsa with booming markets and a prodigious population, an eUsa that strikes fear into the hearts of its enemies, an eUsa comprised of strong-willed individuals who put the nation's interests first and not their own, and an eUsa in which Dioists can practice freely. We are Dio, You are Dio, I am Dio.

Together America, the world is ours!

God bless America, and may the love of Dio be with you, forever.